Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 9, 2016


Pre Storm Preparation:With the rainy season and bad weather coming, kindly start preparing for weather related emergencies, including storms, flooding, landslides and septic problems.  Taking the necessary precautions can save lives, reduce injuries and minimize damage to property.  Preparation before a storm can have a dramatic positive impact on the situation after the storm.

¨ Monitor weather forecasts indicating a potential for heavy storms, tidal surges, and flooding.
¨ Clear all roof gutters.
¨ Inspect for leaks or damage to gutters that could cause flat roofs to flood.
¨ Direct the water flow from downspouts away from foundations and other buildings.
¨ Clean and clear all road sides and storm drainages.
¨ Make sure water is not being discharged over the edge of a steep hill.
¨ Place hosts on flood/landslide watch during imminent storms.
¨ Check creeks for obstructions.
¨ Assure evacuation routes to the evacuation areas will not become impassable.
¨ Pre-identify any hosts or guests who may require special help.
¨ If fire equipment is stored in areas that have been severely impacted by high winds or water in the past, arrange for the relocation, protection of fire fighting equipment away from these vulnerable areas.
            ¨ Test backup generators.

            ¨ Check that retaining walls are properly functioning.
¨ Check for signs of earth movement, such as leaning trees, or cracks in the soil or sidewalks.
            ¨ Stock pile sand bags and spill kits. 
¨ Keep basic emergency items in a “72-hour” emergency kit. 
¨ Keep children away from creeks and large drains which can be deadly during storms.
¨ Don't store hazardous materials in areas that may be subject to flooding.
¨ Ensure all LPG tanks are secured properly. 
¨ Check outdoor items that might blow away or be torn loose. Secure these items or take them indoors.
¨ Ensure all boats are properly tied down and secured.
¨ Assure all vehicles are topped off with fuel daily.
¨ Ensure areas around airfield and aircraft are free of loose objects. 
¨ Increase the volume of PAR stock storage fuel for speed boats (to cover two weeks bad weather).
¨ Increase the volume of PAR stock LPG gas storage for kitchen cooking (to cover two weeks bad weather).
¨ Store emergency supplies (i.e. first aid kit, essential medicines) in air-tight bags and in handy locations.
¨ Have sufficient stock of umbrella and rain coats, plus normal (light weight/thin) rubber boots.
¨ Have at least 1 or 2 small canvas roof tented style units, to be used in case of heavy rain protection during emergency works.
¨ Have sufficient battery light LED torches (units that are hanging around the shoulder and enable to work and see, without holding it in the hands).
¨ Have at least 3 small and 2 medium submersible pumps for 'flooding' relief.
¨ Use the fire pump(s) to help mitigate any bad flooding.
¨Insure adequate number of life vests on all boats and that all guests and hosts wear them.
¨ Monitor septic systems, wells, and fuel tanks.  Make sure valves are shut so tanks won't spill if flood waters or conditions cause the tanks to move.

Post Storm Safety:

¨ Look out for small animals including snakes that have been flooded out of their homes and may seek shelter elsewhere. Use a pole or stick to poke to scare them away.

¨ Stay clear of any power lines and electrical wires that came down.

¨ Clean everything that got wet.  Flood waters can pick up sewage and chemicals.  Spoiled food and contaminated medicine can be a health hazards (when in doubt, throw it out).

¨ Be alert for gas leaks.

¨ Watch for road hazards (i.e. washed out pavement, trees, power lines, mud, etc).

¨ Test potable water. 

¨ Check for signs of earth movement, such as leaning trees, or cracks in the soil or sidewalks.
¨ Assess building structural integrity. 
¨ Make sure you document all damage and medical related emergencies and forward copies of incident reports to the director of risk management.