Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 5, 2016

7 Reasons Why People Get Easily Discouraged

Do you often get excited about pursuing a goal, a project or a dream but get easily discouraged because the results you expect do not come quickly enough? Do the negative opinions of others easily sap your energy and enthusiasm? Do you feel like you lack the tenacity to follow through on your goals? If you can relate to any of the above questions, this session may be useful to you.

To start with, let me assure you that you are not the only one in this situation. Over 95% of the population in any country of the world fall into this category. Discouragement is one of the biggest obstacles to success. However, there is good news. You can join the top 3% who have defied the negative force of discouragement to attain unbelievable levels of success.

Success has formulae – all of which are learnable. Therefore, if you are willing to learn and put what you learn into practice, you can soar above the winds of disappointments and become an highly motivated achiever.

Now, let us look at some of the possible causes of discouragement and what can be done to overcome them:

Possible Causes & Solutions of Being Easily Discouraged

1) Lack of clear vision

This is where everything begins. If you do not know what exactly you want, you will live your entire life being controlled by the opinions of others. Lack of clear direction in life alone generates a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. It makes one loses his sense of importance. It saps one’s self-confidence and brings about mental confusion.

Every human contains a powerful success mechanism, which is goal-striving. This power success mechanism only becomes activated when a clear goal is in view. Therefore, sit down and decide what you really want to accomplish. Do not borrow another person’s dream. Set your goals and believe in their possibility. If you are not passionate and convinced enough about where you are going in life, someone else will succeed in convincing you to look the other way.

Have already got a clear vision? If you’ve a clear vision, that’s great! Do not stop visualising its completion in your mind. Keep advancing in the right direction daily, no matter how small the step you are taking may be. Here are the words of Brian Tracy, the personal success expert; “All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” Great achievers simply begin with a clear cut vision of where they want to be.

If you have not got a clear vision yet for your life, take time to identify what you want your life goals to be. Ensure that what you have chosen is in harmony with your talents and passions. You will not be able to endure in an undertaking beyond the level of your love and passion for it. Make sure that what you build your life around is what you really enjoy doing. “A goal properly set is halfway reached,” said Zig Ziglar, the American motivator. One of the ways to properly set a goal is to make sure that you set a goal that you will be really looking forward to pursuing.

Secondly, set small and realistic daily goals that will link you to your major goals. The human brain is extremely adaptive. You can re-wire your brain fro success. The only way to re-wire your brain to identify itself with success is by collecting small successes. Set small and achievable goals, so that each time you complete them and succeed, you send success signals to your brain. In no time, your brain will re-tune itself for success, having memorised various recent small successes that you have achieved . Also, achieving little successes will make you feel better about yourself. You’ll become happier and have more energy to keep advancing.

2) The Ego (inner pride) and Fear of Failure

Another reason why people are easily discoura

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