Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 7, 2016


  1. 10. Reach <ul><li>With a long stick, a scarf, clothes or anything else. Crouch or lie down to avoid being pulled in. </li></ul>
  2. 11. Wade <ul><li>Test the depth with a long stick before wading in and then use the stick to reach out. Hold on to someone else or the bank. </li></ul>
  3. 12. Throw <ul><li>A rope is best - you can then pull in the person. Otherwise throw something that will float - a ball, a plastic bottle, a lifebouy...this will keep the person afloat until help comes. </li></ul>
  4. 13. Row <ul><li>Use a boat if there is one nearby and if you can use it safely. Do not try to pull the person on board in case they panic and capsize the boat. </li></ul>
  5. 7.  REACH  THROW  ROW  Wade  Go Rescue
  6. 8. Use a throwing assist to rescue someone beyond your reach in a pool or open water. Throw a buoyant object tied to a line to the victim. S/he can grasp the object and be Throw bags
  7. 9. Throw equipment potentially. Any floating object at hand, such as a picnic jug, small cooler, buoyant cushion, kickboard or extra life jacket
  8. 10. 1. Get into a stride position: The leg opposite your throwing arm is forward. This helps to keep your balance when you throw the object. (Cont)
  9. 11. 2. Step on the end of the line attached to the ring buoy/ heaving line/ heaving jug with your forward foot. Avoid stepping on the coiled line with the other foot. (cont)
  10. 12. 3- Shout to get the victim’s attention. Make eye contact and say that you are going to throw the object now. Tell the victim to grab it. (They might not be able to hear you or respond to you.) cont
  11. 13. 4. Bend your knees and throw the object to the victim. Try to throw the object upwind and/or up current, just over (past) the victim's head so that the line drops within reach.
  12. 14. If the victim does not immediately notice and grab the line, move yourself on the deck/ on shore so you can pull the line to get the object under the victim's hand/arm. (cont)
  13. 15.  5. When the victim has grasped the object or the line, slowly pull him or her to safety. Lean away from the water as you pull. (cont)
  14. 16. 6. If the object does not get out as far as the victim, quickly pull the line back in and throw it again. Try to keep the line from tangling, but do not waste time trying to coil it. If using a throw bag, partially fill the bag with some water and throw it again.
  15. 17. Try to keep the line from tangling, but do not waste time trying to coil it. If using a throw bag, partially fill the bag with some water and throw it again.
  16. 18. Don't Go: Don't go into the water unless you are trained the way life guards are trained to rescue injured people. call for help. If you call for Rescue 1122 or 15 stay calm and give your exact location.
  17. 19. Learn first aid: CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) for drowning and how to help someone who has been in cold water and may need treatment for hypothermia.
  18. 20.  Go only with assistance and only with trained personnel.  Use flotation aids for the victim like rescue can or rescue tube.  Assisted swimming rescues always with proper PPE.
  19. 21.  Location of Victims In flat water,  location of average patient under average conditions = 1.5x water depth of where he/she went down
  20. 22.  Water is 10 feet deep Patient will be within a circle with a 15 feet radius centered on spot where patient went down. If the surface is under water is flat.  If the surface is not flat then the patient will be 20 to 30 Feet to the slow side
  21. 23.  Location of Victims In moving water, patients will be within 100 to 150 yards downstream  Common locations: Deep holes Eddies downstream of large objects Strainers it is also depend on water speed in the mountain area the patients may go kilometers of downstream
  22. 24. Probing by Bamboo stick If the water is not dirty the rescuer can touch the water and he will see every thing under water easily up to 20 feet under water Through boat and Rescue Rope
  23. 25. Physical Rescue by Rescuer By Rope throw water knots By bamboos stick with hook
  24. 26. Moving Water Most dangerous water rescue Requires proficiency in: Technical rope rescue skills Crossing moving water Defensive swimming Use of throw bags Shore-based and boat-based rescues Ability to package patient in water
  25. 27. Recirculating Currents Develop as water moves over uniform obstructions (rocks, low head dams) “Hydraulic” forms, moves against flow Recirculating water traps people against object
  26. 28.  Strainers Partial obstructions that filter water Downed trees, gratings, mesh Creates unequal force across itself People become pinned water’s force  Strainers Attempt to swim over object Do NOT put feet on bottom
  27. 29.  : Foot/Extremity Pins Walking in moving water over knee depth ALWAYS is hazardous! Foot, leg may become entrapped Person can be knocked below surface by water’s force Extremity held in place by water’s weight, force
  28. 30. Intakes Height is no indication of danger All dams may have recirculating currents Intake grates serve as strainers
  29. 31. Moving Water Self-Rescue Avoid entering water except as last resort! Cover mouth, nose Protect head,  keep face out of water Do NOT attempt to stand up Float on back, feet pointed downstream Steer with feet,
  30. 32.  point head toward near shore at 45 angle Water move slower on inside of bends Look for obstructions Eddies on downside of objects may flow slowly upstream, moving you toward river’s edge
  31. 33. Flat Water
  32. 34.  Factors Affecting Survival Age Position underwater Lung volume PDF use Water temperature Mammalian diving reflex
  33. 35. Factors Affecting Survival PFD Use 89% of all boating fatalities are related to lack of a PFD PFDs should be worn when working in, on, or near water Swimming pools, flash floods can be water hazards even in arid areas!
  34. 36.  Factors Affecting Survival Mammalian Diving Reflex Water <68 ◦F Brady cardia, intense peripheral vasoconstriction Blood, oxygen shunted to core organs, circulated very slowly Hypothermia Slows metabolism Conserves oxygen Only protective if it occurs BEFORE cardiac arrest occurs
  35. 37.  Cold Protective Response YOU’RE NOT DEAD UNTIL YOU’RE WARM AND DEAD!
  36. 38. Rescue vs. Recovery Time submerged Age Physical condition Known/suspected trauma Water temperature Estimated time for rescue/removal
  37. 39. In-Water Patient Immobilization
  38. 40. In-Water Patient Immobilization Assume cervical injuries in drowning victims until prove otherwise
  39. 41. Phase 1: In-Water Splint victim head, neck with arms Roll victim to face- up position Assure open airway Maintain position until cervical collar applied
  40. 42. Phase 2: C-collar Application Primary rescuer maintains airway, SMR Second rescuer sizes, applies collar Second rescuer secures patient’s hand to patient’s waist
  41. 43. Phase 3:  Back boarding Maintain airway and manual SMR Submerge board under patient’s waist Allow board to float up to victim Secure victim with straps
  42. 44.  Phase 4:  Removal Move to extraction point Extricate patient head first Pass from water to rescuers on land Avoid extrication thorough surf Use bystanders who can swim as a breakwater behind patient
  43. 45.  Check the surface of ground in the water  Before inter the water make sure there is no poison insects or snakes in the water  An also check for the sharp edges or bushes under the water.  Before inter the water check your all PFD and PPE equipments .  Don’t allow the non swimmers to go in side water (cont)

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